Forums are back up.
It was either the cablemodem or the ethernet cable.. replaced the cable.. if it happens again, I'll get a new cablemodem.. But I'm getting hosting anyways..
It may take a while for the DNS to update (as my IP changed); so you may not be able to access the forums until that happens.. But, everything should be working now...
Earlier today:
Sorry guys, but I guess I really need to get the hosting going.. My current server is down somehow.. I'll fix it when I get home.
I'm working right now to get hosting setup somewhere else; so hopefully I'll be transitioning everything over this coming week...
It may take a while for the DNS to update (as my IP changed); so you may not be able to access the forums until that happens.. But, everything should be working now...
Earlier today:
Sorry guys, but I guess I really need to get the hosting going.. My current server is down somehow.. I'll fix it when I get home.
I'm working right now to get hosting setup somewhere else; so hopefully I'll be transitioning everything over this coming week...
At 1:37 PM,
raf said…
Like 3Megs.. I know, pitiful...
The thing is though, even if it was more, I need real hosting, so I can have the bulletin board and the subversion repository, along with bandwith for the releases/other files..
At 3:00 PM,
raf said…
Patience, grasshopper... The server will be fixed soon enough :)
At 3:46 PM,
raf said…
Everything is back up.. Just waiting for DNS to update.. Thanks for your patience..
At 4:14 PM,
TheMultinational said…
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At 4:15 PM,
TheMultinational said…
The refresh button on my web browser is worn down now.
At 4:28 PM,
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